Search results for 슬롯머신 공략방법【】WhV

  • Who can move into residential care

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Who can move into residential care

    When you can no longer manage in your own home, you can move into a rest home or hospital. Your doctor, other health professionals, and your family or whānau can help you decide where to move and when.

  • Child support

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Child support

    Child support is paid by parents who do not live with their children, or who share care of their children with someone else.

  • Applying for NZ Superannuation

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / Applying for NZ Superannuation

    NZ Superannuation is a universal payment for NZ citizens and residents who are 65 or older.

  • Citizenship timeframe differences

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / How to apply for NZ citizenship / Citizenship timeframe differences

    Reasons why some citizenship by grant applications take longer to process than others.

  • Free health advice

    Found in Health / Public health services / Free health advice

    Find out who to contact to get free health advice for you and your family.

  • Lottery grants for disabled people

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Lottery grants for disabled people

    Grants funded by Lotto help to pay for equipment for disabled people who want to be more closely involved in their communities.

  • Youth benefits

    Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Youth benefits

    Payments for young people aged 16 or 17 who cannot live with their parents, and for young parents aged 16 to 19.

  • Disability Allowance

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Disability Allowance

    Disability Allowance is a weekly payment from Work and Income for people who have regular, ongoing costs because of a disability.

  • What is a credit record

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Debt and credit records / What is a credit record

    Find out what is on a credit record, who can access your credit record, and your rights to change information on it.

  • Providing information when making financial transactions

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Providing information when making financial transactions

    You may be asked for information to prove who you are and where your money came from to complete certain financial transactions.

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